OK, ladies. This one’s for you. For all the women out there traveling with their uber practical boyfriends or husbands. Here is a woman’s perspective on what to pack for an around-the-world trip. But before we get to down to the nitty-gritty, here is a little background on where I’m coming from.

My darling (not to mention crazy micro-managing) husband prepped and coached me through every minute detail of the packing procedure for our yearlong backpacking trip. His specialty?? Well, that would entail all of the most sensible, practical aspects of what to pack, how to pack it, gear needed, etc., etc. Of course I did my own online research behind his back so as not to offend or put into question his expertise in the matter. However, many of the packing lists on the Web repeated the same type of basic, fundamental (aka, no fun) items that Johnny had already covered. I couldn’t seem to find a more personal or imaginative packing list that felt more…well, more me.

I’m not discarding the very helpful advice my husband gave me in terms of packing.  Yes, Johnny has numerous years of travel experience under his belt and has lived abroad in many remote regions of the world. He’s worked in Afghanistan, Liberia, and Sri Lanka and has wracked up more stamps in his passport than I’ve ever seen. He also has way more know-how in the areas of trekking, camping, and all of the outdoorsy goodness that one can partake in. I won’t even attempt to claim superior insight on these things.

What I can share, however, is a special awareness of the things that matter to a woman and the unique “essentials” that we may want on this kind of extended backpacking journey. Practical or not, these things are important to us! And, God help me, I’m just gonna come out and say it (proudly)…. women aren’t always practical. But guess what. We don’t care!! We are creative, passionate beings and we sometimes prefer panache rather than function. C’est la vie.

So before you continue reading, be forewarned. I don’t care if these items (gasp!!!) weigh down my pack by an extra pound or two, or even if they’re impractical. The important thing is that they make me feel GOOD. I simply defy the notion that everything in my pack must serve a utilitarian purpose. Sorry, Johnny!!

Next up are the items that didn’t meet Johnny’s “essential, no frills” packing list but that I managed to sneak into my backpack anyway, and they’ve made a HUGE difference in my overall comfort and happiness during this trip. I highly encourage you to tote these, or some other similar items, on your backpacking trip too.

Trust me. Small pleasures will be your saving grace when you’re stuck in the wild, mosquito-ridden Kinabatangan River in Borneo, or recovering from using the vilest piss and poo covered squatter-hole bathroom you have ever seen. Gross, but true.

(Don’t worry; you won’t be scarred for life. All of these “colorful” experiences present their own special charm – usually long after they have occurred.)

The following blog post is my list of the ESSENTIAL items that a WOMAN might consider packing. Use it as a general guide, an inspiration for your own unique packing list.

Please remember, my definition of “essential” differs from its practical meaning. For me, essential = brings joy and satisfaction.

I hope some of these items bring you happiness along your journey as well! Happy packing!